Ashley Duncan
Brandon Duncan
Duncan Family
Family Photos
Misc. Photos

Photo Albums

Here you will all find all the photo albums I have put
together on one page for easy viewing. These are all in slideshow format
and can be viewed individually, as a filmstrip or as a slideshow. The
controls are on the upper-right hand of the page. Just close the window
when finished viewing.
Photo Albums
First couple of weeks (in hospital)
The second couple of months (at home)
2-7 Months old
Ashley's Christening - October 28th, 2001
Ashley's 1st Birthday -March 27th, 2002
1-2 Years old
Ashley's 2nd Birthday - March 27th, 2003
Ashley's 1st (official) haircut - July 22nd, 2003
Ashley's 1st Fishing Trip - August 10th, 2003
Short Movie of Ashley with her first fish (Very Funny!)
Ashley's 3rd Birthday -March 27th, 2004

First few days after birth
Up to 6 months
 My First Birthday!
Doug, Crystal, Ashley & Brandon
Doug & Crystal's old dating pics - and a few after marriage
Cancun, Mexico - November 2000
Deadwood, SD - January, 2001
Mother's Day 2001 - Jere Duncan in Denver - Crystal's 1st Mothers Day
Crystal and Ashley in Dothan, AL - April 2002
Crystal and Ashley in Phoenix, AZ - March 2003
Crystal and Ashley in Billings, MT - May 2003
Tiny Town, CO - May 26 2003 (Memorial Day)
Yellowstone Park - August 2003

Christmas Photos
Christmas 2001 in Denver
Christmas 2002 in Billings, MT
Christmas 2003 in Denver

All Family Photo Albums
Family Reunion 2000 in Livingston, MT
Duncan get-together in San Francisco - October, 2000
Family Reunion 2001 in Billings, MT
Family Reunion 2002 in Billings, MT
Family Reunion 2003 in Livingston, MT (No pics. Please e-mail if you have any)
Heather, Genese & Carolyn in Denver from Phoenix 4/25/04
Crystal & Kids go to Billings 4/04
John & Lucy Scott's Alaska Trip Summer 04

Misc. Photo Albums
Crystal and Ashley's Playgroup in Green Valley Ranch
Misc Photos of 2002 - Duncan's and friends
Misc Photos of 2003 - Duncan's

